Tag Archives: disease



Bunching onion is a perennial herb. It develops a small elongated bulbs. It grow slender, elongated pseudo stem growing in a clump.

Best to plants in a cool climate or in having equal distribution of wet and dry temperature. It should be planted to a place without extreme heat and cold or during rainy season.

It is used as salads or to any menu. It is also used as herbs (folk remedies).

Till the land thoroughly. Plow and harrow the land 2 times to have a good soil composition. One month before land preparation, spread the field with rice hull in layer of 30 centimeters. Then burn them after 2 weeks. The burnt rice hull is mix with the soil during land preparation. Burnt rice hull is best controller of weeds and diseases.

Then apply 10 tons of animal manure in one hectare land before bed preparation. The beds should be 1 meter wide. Fertilize the area with complete fertilizer (14-14-14) and mulch the field with rice straw before planting.

Water the seedbed properly. Uproot the seedlings carefully to protect roots from damage. As basal fertilizer, 7 bags of 14-14-14 is enough.

Trip top portion of the leaves before transplanting to reduce transpiration of the leaves otherwise plants will not survive.

Transplant in seedbeds with a distance of 15 centimeters between plants. To accurately measure the distance, use marker of any kind. Punch a hole to the ground. Plant it deep enough to protect the roots. Press the soil gently around the basal portion of the plants. In planting, the roots of the plants should be in contact with the soil. Irrigate the plants before and after transplanting.

Three (3) bags of urea fertilizer (46-0-0) 3 weeks after transplanting. Repeat the process 2 weeks onward if the fertility of the soil still on its lowest level.

Irrigate the plants daily during dry season. This is to ensure giving adequate moisture to the soil for desirable growth and healthy plants.

Purple blotch and downy mildew are the common diseases of onion. Do the following:

-Regulate humidity in the field by proper irrigation.

-Remove any debris in the field from previous crop harvest.

-Remove infected leaves if infection control the plants.

-Do crop rotation after the harvest.

-Apply fermented compost for 14 days for foliar disease.

Spread rice hull ash over the field and spray the plants with organic pesticides of hot pepper extract. It is most economical and safe to control beet army worm. Another option is to spray soap with water to the plants effective against this pests.

Proper sanitation and cultivation of the land helps reduce population of pests around the plants. Harvest onion after 2.5 months after planting.